Responsible disclosure helps to find security breaches

Our fellow organisation in the Netherlands put cybersecurity on their 2016 agenda too. Very much like CIOforum Belgian Business, the CIO Platform Nederland continuously strives – as an association – to help its members in the right direction. With regard to cybersecurity, the CIO Platform Nederland focuses on three areas: cooperation, guidance and awareness.

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Rich data is about finding information faster

In our previous post, we already said that companies with advanced analytics make better decisions, take them faster and execute them better, leading to better results and value. This is only possible if we manage to convert raw data. Because as long as the larger part of information remains unstructured, rich also means poor information. If it isn’t smart, it’s not usable. On average office workers spend 1.5 hours a day looking for information. In 42% of the cases they get their answer from colleagues and not from information systems. People don’t find information, remain uninformed and there’s no value to grab.

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Rich data to make everyone and everything smarter

We have all produced so much information in recent years that we’ve entered the zettabyte era. By 2018, every storage specialist will need to maintain three times as much data as today. Do companies really need to sit on that much information? We see three reasons to answer favourably: one – some are obliged to in order to comply with sector or country regulations, two – the price per terabyte is plummeting and three – information can be transformed into insight and insight into value. Rich data leads to knowledge and insights.

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BREXIT: Een belangrijke boodschap voor ons, technologiefanaten

Op 23 juni besliste Het Verenigd Koninkrijk per referendum om de Europese Unie te verlaten. Na een dag van emoties ontstaat geleidelijk aan ruimte voor reflectie over de centrale vraag: Waarom ? Daar zal in de komende maanden nog genoeg worden over geschreven, maar één ding is voor mij alvast duidelijk. Er is vooral ‘leave’ gestemd door de ‘vermeende’ verliezers van de Europese integratie en in uitbreiding de globalisering.

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