CIO Speaker’s Café – Leadership and Organization

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13:30 - 20:00


Salons Van Edel, Wilrijk

13.30 Welcome & Registration CIO Speaker’s Café

14.00 Introduction of Afternoon session by Peter Vermeylen, Chairman CIOforum & CIO UZA

14.05 Opening keynote of Luc Verbist: Setting the Scene

In 1997 he started his CIO career and joined first IBM as CIO and Ops. Manager, then switched to DPG Media as CIO for a period of 18 y, then to Vincotte before moving in 2017 to Greenyard until early this year. What are his learnings and experiences ?

14.15 The challenge of transforming team culture by Kim Tureluren and a customer journey (tbc)

Kim is a trainer for The Bayard Partnership on topics such as change management, organisational culture, and leadership; She is also a change manager guiding organizations through transition. The session will provide an introduction to observing company culture, dive deeper into techniques for detecting obstructive behavior and converting it into innovation. By leveraging material culture and the viral change methodology, we let this culture spread across the organisation, resulting in a dynamic, change-ready workplace environment where people seek cross-departmental connections, embrace diversity, and learn from ‘desire lines’.The expertise draws from anthropological techniques and corporate culture studies. It will provide actionable insights, enabling you to influence team culture without formal authority. As a corporate anthropologist, Kim offers valuable insights into organisational culture with her unique view, coupled with limitless curiosity, and exceptional listening skills. She helps leadership teams build cultures ready to embrace change.

15.00 How to build a successful business driven business application program and project and how to build a solid project governance around these programs and projects by Koen De Vleeschauwer, Director Moore Business Consulting and with customer experience(s) (tbc)

In this session, the experience and good practices will be shared around major business application projects such as ERP & CRM and mostly the building blocks of a business driven and solid project governance, based on a real industry case.
Business applications are first and for all business projects, in co-creation with business people; business accountability is key by creating business buy in and accountability as from day 1 by defining the process ownership model, incl roles & responsibilities. Another hot topic in such a journey today is to align business people with ICT & implementation partners. Change management shows up from day 1, using ADKAR and other change instruments. Governance topics will be handled such as: which bodies do you need to manage the project in all its aspects such as scope, budget, planning, acceptance; which project phases do you need to define and how to close the project, ensuring a good hand over to both business & ICT.

15.45 Closing Afternoon session and further Registration CIO Speaker’s Cafe

16.15 Introduction of Evening session by Peter Vermeylen

16.30 Transform to learn, learn to transform; the key to effectively leverage Digital and AI by Gertjan Wauters, Innovation Manager – PerPetum Energy, Caroline Vandenplas, Managing Partner – B12 Consulting part of Yuma and Annemie Marien, Associate Partner – XPLUS part of Yuma

Gertjan, Caroline and Annemie will share their experiences and insights on how as an organization to acquire and grow the capability to create value with the Digital and AI means that are and are coming available for those able to put them to good use.

17.15 Closing keynote of Luc Verbist: What are his learnings and “commandments” after a CIO career of more than 26 years.?

As civil engineer construction Luc Verbist started his career in 1983 at La Baloise as inspector and sales representative for insurances contracts for construction works. After 5 y. he joined Mediahuis, first as business process owner in the commercial department, later as Group Projects Responsible. In 1997 he started his CIO career for more than 26 years!
Luc is now strategic advisor/board member at several multinationals (IPCOM, APK, ECS, …) Luc has been nominated CIO of the Year in Belgium in 2012 and CIO of the Year in Europe in 2013 and he has been for many years a supporting and active CIOforum member!What are his experiences and tips and tricks for our CIO members?

18.00 Closing and Networking Opportunity by food & drinks

20.00 End of Event


Event partner


The Bayard Partnership has been the trusted guide in business and technology transformation journeys, successfully delivering challenging strategic and change initiatives time and time again. We believe that excellence can only be achieved by engaging people who are fully committed to whatever they undertake and who aim at making a difference. The Bayard Academy is our way of sharing knowledge with each other and our clients, it keeps us up to date and on track in the effectiveness of our careers. Above all it is about people, learning, having fun and growing together.  
Moore Business Consulting is part of Moore Belgium, consisting of 9 business units and over 1500 employees. We provide end-end professional services to both SME and mid market companies. Moore Business Consulting supports entrepreneurs and organizations in both business and digital transformation journeys, focused on improved business performance. We support our clients in defining strategies, operating models and improving business processes and systems, as well provide operational support where needed to boost customer experience, efficiency and sustainability.  
XPLUS provides efficient and effective consultancy services focusing on digital transformation through the implementation of business-necessary enterprise IT architecture and digital solutions in the BeNeFraLux. Examples of XPLUS services include complex architecture assessments, roadmap building including architecture simplification with business case development, architecture solution design for particular programs, program management or more in general staff augmentation and CxO as a service. XPLUS serves large and midsize clients in various sectors, in banking, insurance, telecoms, retail, services and the public sector and also serves the market of fast growers and smaller companies with a high-speed digitalisation challenge. XPLUS is member of the YUMA group, recently founded to enable fast digital transformations in a human way.